(Toledo, OH) Toledo City Council puts Community Development Block Grant spending on hold for now.
City Council Wants More Time to Discuss CDBG Funds
The council postponed a vote on Tuesday to divide 245-thousand dollars in CDBG money until an analysis on how the funds are allowed to be spent is completed.
City Council Members to Propose More CDBG Spending
The city receives CDBG money annually from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development to remain separate from the general fund.
The city has about 3.6 million in unspent money from years past but the Kapszukiewicz administration wants to hold off on distribution to ensure the city follows the strict HUD procedures before allocating the money.
Mayor Set to Veto Spending Surplus Funds
Council member Yvonne Harper who led the approved October 9 proposal voiced her dissatisfaction with the decision to hold off saying that the council picks and chooses what they are going to do with the money.
Eileen Granata, a senior attorney for the city said the ordinance may have passed but she isn't sure if the city can legally disperse the money.