I have been involved for the past week with a voter registration drive. Three people have commented now about where the drives are taking place and why I am bothering. I was questioned about why I was doing it in "the projects", why do it at all since people could do it themselves, why was I focusing on low income people, and the topper- I was accused of only registering who were too stupid to vote since they hadn't registered yet.
So that got me to thinking what do people believe about voting. I've always thought it was an absolute privilege to vote and something we had an obligation to do because men and women have died for our rights to do so. If I can help someone register to vote then I'm fine with that. I don't ask who they are voting for, nor do i make assumptions about it. If they don't vote then that's up to them on election day but at least they are registered if they choose to vote.
Who do you think should be allowed to vote? FRIDAY 60 MINUTE POLL