Jerry Pickerings wife Deb Pickering came in to talk to us about the 2019 MS Walk and their team "Short Circuit"
The type of MS that that Jerry has is Relapsing-remitting MS
Relapsing-remitting MS is defined by inflammatory attacks on myelin (the layers of insulating membranes surrounding nerve fibers in the central nervous system (CNS)), as well as the nerve fibers themselves. During these inflammatory attacks, activated immune cells cause small, localized areas of damage which produce the symptoms of MS. Because the location of the damage is so variable, no two people have exactly the same symptoms.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
1-mile and 3 -mile routes available
Age Minimum: Open to all ages
Start/End Location
Huntington Center
Starting from:
500 Jefferson Ave.
Toledo, OH 43604
Online registration will close at noon on the Thursday before Walk MS: Toledo. If you haven't signed up before then, please visit the registration area on event day to register.
Registration time: 8:00 am | Walk starts: 9:30 am