Rita Coolidge’s impact is undiminished—her voice as pure, sweet and powerful as ever, and her ability to get inside a song honed by experience and overview.
After ten years during which she bore witness to some of her life’s greatest joys and deepest sorrows—and the publication of her acclaimed 2015 memoir, Delta Lady–Rita Coolidge is back with “Safe in the Arms of Time”, her 18th solo album and a reaffirmation of her indomitable spirit and unquenchable creative thirst.
“Safe in the Arms of Time” marks Rita’s triumphant return to the songwriting that gave the world her shimmering (and still uncredited) “piano coda” to Derek & the Dominoes’ “Layla.” Three of the album’s 12 songs were co-written by Rita and draw inspiration from her personal journey.
Her enthusiasm for sharing her life stories was infectious. Rita, former Tom Petty drummer Stan Lynch and Joe Hutto composed “You Can Fall in Love,” about reconnecting with an old flame, minutes after meeting as all were swept up in an irresistible creative current – “the song was done and demoed in five hours,” marvels Rita.
“I’ve written so many songs assuming a role like an actor, but this time I got to write from experience. This is the best record I’ve ever done. I’m extremely proud of it.”
Rita Coolidge comes to Monroe MI Oct 13th 2018 @ Monroe County Community College Tickets go on sale July 16, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. Get Tickets Here www.monroeccc.edu/theater/