The Toledo-Lucas County Health Department has been shut temporarily because of two employees who tested positive for the Coronavirus. Other employees who had contact with them are now self quarantining. The building is expeccted to open next Tuesday following a deep cleaning according to Gretchen DeBacker, the public information liaison for the operations center. Two additional employees are expected to be tested and no other information was given as to the identity or jobs of the two who tested positive.
Meanwhile the governor has announced an expanded COVID-19 data dashboard has been designed by the InnovateOhio Platform and is now available online.
The dashboard displays the most recent preliminary data reported to the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) about COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in Ohio by selected demographics and county of residence.
There are 867 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and 15 deaths. A total of 223 people have been hospitalized, including 91 admissions to intensive care units.
In-depth data on the new dashboard can be accessed by