The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Why Leftist Elites Will NEVER Understand J.D. Vance

Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media have branded Trump's VP Pick J.D. Vance as ... "weird." But Glenn explains why that's a GOOD thing. Vance IS weird to leftist elites because they will never understand him. He grew up poor, not with the "white privilege" that Democrats insist all white people have. Instead of staying on government welfare, he pulled himself out of poverty. And perhaps "weirdest" of all to these elites, he's an entrepreneur — proof that the American free market system works.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

I was listening too Pat and Stu there. And thank you, guys, for filling in. We have a problem, seemingly getting my voice down to earth, even though I'm only 8,000 feet above earth. But thanks for filling in.

I'm listening to them talk about J.D. Vance and weird. How weird he is. Well, first of all, let's keep J.D. Vance weird. Okay? You can go to right now and get your Keep J.D. Vance Weird T-shirt. I thought weird was an okay thing. I mean, that was keep Austin weird. Keep San Francisco weird. Keep Portland weird.

So I don't know what their problem is. Well, actually I do. This listening to Pat and Stu, they bring up a lot of really, really good points. But I think we're missing one thing. To him, he is weird. And this is critical to understand.

Because we think they're weird.


So let me explain why they think J.D. Vance is weird. J.D. Vance is from a red state. Weirdness number one. J.D. Vance grew up in white poverty. Weirdness number two for them. They -- he was -- he was -- he had a horrible, horrible life. He didn't have white privilege.

Weirdness number three. And he never gave up or listened to the naysayers. Weirdness number four.

Just that, is enough to make him weird. But that's not the full key. To understand why the left thinks J.D. Vance is weird. And they don't relate to his policies, is because he comes at life, 180 degrees differently, than the left does. He believes, pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Don't let anybody tell you no. Do it. Do it.

No matter what anybody says about you -- because nobody is holding you down. Nobody is holding you back, except you and your choices.

That's one of the biggest things that's weird about J.D. Vance.

Because either they totally believe it, or they know they're running an evil scam. On -- on people.

All over the world. You can't make it. You'll never make it. You need me to make it. Who says that? Who says that, except an abusive partner.

You'll never make it. You know who is keeping you down.

But I can help you get there. I mean, that's the Nina Simone. Life. Nina Simone is probably the greatest jazz singer in the 20th century. You don't know it. Or you may know her. Or know that she's great. But she didn't have her popularity, because she was twisted from the beginning. White people telling her she couldn't do it. And then breaking through that. And then marrying abusive men over and over again, that just used her and lied to her and abused her.

Well, you start to believe those things. Or you conquer those things. It's not what happens to you in life. It's what you do with those things! I thought my dad was crazy, when he told me, son, there's nothing. There's nothing bad.

And I was feeling bad for myself. And I said, really? Nothing bad. Really?

Well, how about when this happened. When this happened. Or when mom died. That wasn't bad?

He's like, there's things that happen, that cause scars.

There are things that happen, that we don't like. But you're either going to wallow in that. Or you're going to learn and take something away from that. And help it empower you.

This is the lesson of life!

Don't cower, stand back up!

Because life is going to hit you over and over again.

Well, stand up.

So that is -- that is really weirdness this be four.

But here's the main weirdness for the left, with J.D. Vance. He's an entrepreneur. And it coincidences with don't tell anybody, you know.

Don't let anybody tell you what you are or what you aren't. Don't let anybody tell you no. Just do it yourself if you believe it. You may fail, but you're going to pick yourself back up.

That's an entrepreneurial spirit. Those are the people with real drive. And they're different than people that just want a 9:00 to 5:00 job.

And there's nothing wrong with either of them. You can be somebody who is like, I don't want all of that. I just don't want all of that. I just want to go do my time. Make my money. Be treated fairly. And go home.

And have a life. I don't know what percentage of the population like that.

But there's a good portion of the population that is like that. And those are the people that the left relates to, and counts on. Because, they can use greed and envy. To have you look at an entrepreneur, somebody with drive. Look, man. I don't have the drive to go do what Elon Musk does. I don't have the brains to do it either.

So why should I think -- I should take some money from Elon Musk? Why would I hate Elon Musk? For having the brains, the -- the absolute gall to do what he's done. Take all of the risks.

Oh, good for him. See, what the left doesn't understand is we need each other. We need the entrepreneurs.

We need the people that think out of the box.

Quite honestly, we need rich people, that will -- will build libraries. Or -- or invest in some crazy, crackpot idea.

By the way, every idea, that's changed the world, has been crazy or crackpot.

We need the entrepreneurs. The crackpots. The inventors. The people who have drive, that just won't stop.

And those people need the 9:00 to 5:00ers. Can you imagine what it would be like if we were a society, that was just full of nothing, but entrepreneurs.

You would think it would be a good thing. But it wouldn't be.

Who is actually holding down the fort?

Who is doing all of the work, that needs to be done, to get that idea launched?

You have to have the 9:00 to 5:00ers. You have to have them.

And 9:00 to 5:00ers. The old saying is, tell me the last poor person that you worked for. Because those people an average salary, and everything else. And again, there's nothing wrong with that. They're not the ones, necessarily, that have the drive, and maybe they do.

And they're waiting for their opportunity. Or whatever. But generally speaking, those who want to work 9:00 to 5:00. Clock in, clock out. Have a life.

Those aren't the ones that have the dreams of changing the world. No entrepreneur can do without them.

So here's what happens. They think J.D. Vance is weird because they can't relate to him.

They can't relate to him, on anything. His white poverty, instead of his white privilege. His red state over their blue state.

His getting back up again, over and over again, and rejecting the idea. Stay down.

You need the government. Reach out for a handout. They can't understand that. Even though, his family did take government assistance. Because they needed it.

You got out of that. No. Stay in it.

He's an entrepreneur. He's a guy who dedicated himself. He was a dummy. Dedicated himself, to learn.

And he did. And that opened another door. Don't just go to school and do it like everybody else does. Actually choose to be in charge of your education. Take it seriously.

And look at the door that will open for you.

They don't understand that. They want you to sit in that class. And learn not to read. And not to write. All of the stuff.

They want you to learn how to be a good little soldier, for them.

And the collective. If you have unbridled crony capitalism, which is what we have had.

If you have it to where the government can get involved, and start making bets on who is going to succeed, and who is not.

What does that give you? It gives you a culture much like ours. It gives you a culture where, God help you. You're not employing to be able to escape.

Because it's not fair, because the man, not in the corporation. But the corporation and the government keep you down.

You cannot invent a better mousetrap. Because the people at the mousetrap company, have all kinds of laws that they have helped write. To make sure that you can't start at the beginning.

And so you get this greed, this envy. This wealth.

This power. And it's all corrupt.

But then the left comes in, and says, let's get rid of these rich people.

Because they're bad. And we're going to tell everybody else, that we're the power. And you can't make it without us.

But who are those people?

Those are the same people, at the top now, in the corporations, as opposed to government. That are saying, you can't make it. Give me more power. Pass more laws in my favor. That are holding us down for you. That's why this system is broken! And you can't go back to the way it was, with crony capitalism. You've got to get rid of all of that. You have to reduce the size of the government. And put a clear wall between the government and business. They are only there. The government is only there to say, excuse me. That's against the law. It's a place for you to run to and say, I need the police. But you can't do that with the government now. You're going to run to the FBI? You think you're going to get a fair shake?

Socialists eat the entrepreneur. They eat them. They eat the rich. And that's why it always fails. Socialism, communism, always fails, because it eats the dreamers. There are no dreamers.

Tell me who the dreamers are in the government.

That's why he's weird, to them. And, again, I would say, if that's the case, keep J.D. Vance weird.

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