Toledo Buffalo Soldiers MC sponsored a Ride Of Solidarity Sunday with local motorcycle clubs from around the area and jeep lovers to honor TPD Officer Anthony Dia. Dia was shot and killed Saturday morning while responding to a call. Officer Dia leaves behind a wife and two children and the ride also acted as a fundraiser to support them. Approximately 500 motorcyclists gathered at WSPD's parking lot to stage the ride and were joined by the Glass City Crawlers the largest Jeep group in the area. A contingent of Maume residents and officers led my Mayor Richard Carr also joined the group for the short ride to the Safety Building on Erie St. downtown. Sheriff John Tharp spoke with the riders before they left and expressed his thanks for their support of local law enforcement.
At the rally downtown hundreds were waiting as the motorcycles filled the street and stretched past Jackson. Following a brief prayer and powerful words from Bishop Brehon Hall of The Greater New Psalmist Church Chief George Krall spoke directly to Mrs Dia and her two children who were in attendance. Krall promised the TPD would be there for her and the family and that the gathered crowd supported them.
Earl Mack, President of The Toledo Buffalo Soldiers also spoke about the need for solidarity between the citizens and law enforcement. Mack, who is a candidate for Lucas County Sheriff, planned the ride after hearing of Officer Dia's death.
Following the short ceremony the riders visited the make shift memorial at the Home Depot on Alexis Rd which was the site of Dia's shooting while answering a call on Saturday morning July 4.
I've included videos of the rally and the staging along with a picture gallery of some of the assembled riders.
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