President Donald J Trump made his first campaign stop of 2020 in Toledo Thursday night to a packed house at The Huntington Center in downtown. A crowd of over 8,000 filled the arena to capacity and thousands of others filled the street outside to watch the speech on a jumbo-tron. For hours the crowd waited patiently outside the arena with no incidents of violence among those waiting. When the President finally did appear, following an introduction by Vice President Mike Pence, the crowd roared its' approval. Inside the arena a lone protester tried to disrupt the President but was quickly hustled out of the venue.
But before President Trump ever got to Toledo local elected Democrats had a snarky message for him. City council people, union officials, two county commissioners, and Representative Marcy Kaptur (D) asked the President to not bring violence and hate into the city. Both Kaptur and Commissioner Pete Gerken cited a study which claims hate crimes increase following an appearance by President Trump.
Commissioner Gerken went so far as to ask the President to do him "a favor" and "respect our norms", telling Trump that Toledo is a "welcoming city that welcomes everyone."
Apparently that message didn't get to the Gerken household. Following the President's speech Gerkens adult daughter was seen on the street carrying a sign which said FU** Off Nazi C*NT and yelling obscenities to passerby including a man and his 12 year old son.
Police arrested Gerken later that night for resisting arrest. Commissioner Gerken released a statement
"All Americans have the right to free speech and to exercise their right to express their opinions.” "The Toledo police department and all law enforcement professionals did a great job yesterday protecting everyone’s safety in the downtown area. Like so many other Americans, we feel strongly about the views of President Trump. We will deal with this issue as a family."
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