Don Cherry, arguably the biggest name in Canadian sports,was fired yesterday following what some regard as racist statements about Canadian immigrants. Cherry who has been a mainstay on Hockey Night In Canada was complaining about the lack of poppies he perceived people were wearing to honor Canada's military on Remembrance Day. Cherry is quoted as saying "You people ... love our way of life, love our milk and honey," Cherry said. "At least you could pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that. These guys paid for your way of life that you enjoy in Canada.”
This isn't the first time Cherry has been accused of saying something controversial but this time both the NHL and the CBC decided it was a step too far. Cherry was such a popular figure in hockey and in Canada that in a survey of "Greatest Canadians" he placed seventh on the list. Cherry's partner gave a thumbs up to his comments but later did an on air apology about the statement.
Cherry was known as a conservative and once criticized Montreal Canadiens fans for booing the American National Anthem.
Should Cherry have been fired for using the phrase "you people"? TUESDAY 60 MINUTE POLL
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