Following a recent event at a local cross country race Ohio High School Athletic Association is considering a change in it's rules for head wear. A Sylvania runner, Noor Abukaram, was competing in a District cross country event in Findlay, OH. Following the race, in which she posted her personal best, she was told her time would not count and she was disqualified because there was no waiver on file for her to wear her hijab. Noor has competed in other races in the last three years wearing the hijab but for some reason this time there was no waiver turned in which is required by OHSAA regulations.
The ruling body is now considering removing the signed waiver requirement for religious head wear and Noor will be competing in a cross country event this week in which the waiver is already on file.
Should OHSAA make a change to it's rules to remove the waiver requirement or leave the rule as is and put the responsibility on the runner and the coaches?