**OPERATION SHUT-IN** November 11, 2019: Operation time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PMIn honor of our Military Veterans' service, on Veterans' Day, participating restaurants throughout the United States, provide meals to Veterans at no cost. However, there are Veterans unable to participate in a no cost meal offered by local participation restaurants, due to a medical restriction that makes it difficult or impossible to leave their homes. Therefore, on Veterans' Day we conduct an operation labeled "Operation Shut-In." This operation is a mission, which includes picking up a meal from a participating restaurant and delivering it to the shut-in Veteran. Since this operation began three years ago, we have served 475 Veterans. If you are a shut-in Veteran and would like a meal on Veterans Day, please contact us at (419) 536-7048 or the Lucas County Veterans Service Commission at (419) 213-6090. You may register for a meal by filling out the form at the link below and clicking on submit. You will then be registered to receive a meal on Veterans Day.
"Thank You For Your Service"