On July 4th of this year Toledo will celebrate the centennial anniversary of the Dempsey-Willard heavyweight championship bout which took place in Detwiler Park in front of a crowd of more than 70,000. The temperature for the match was more than 100 degrees and it became known as Toledo's Day In The Sun. Tom commemorate the event the city will hold numerous events beginning with a preview block party at the Toledo History Museum Thursday June 13. The event includes drinks, food, special guests, and a preview of the special exhibit at the museum. Tickets are $20 per person and available at eventbrite
Other events include the grand opening at the Toledo History Museum on June 20, a professional Boxing Day at Seagate Center on July 6th, and a recreation of the famous Dempsey-Willard fight at Detwiler Park on July 4.
Here's a clip of what the real bout looked like.