It's been 10 years since Democrat candidate Ben Konop ran for mayor of Toledo, OH but this clip of him trying to give a tv speech never gets old. Konop began getting booed by a local resident from his front porch and had no idea how to handle it. His first instinct is to stop and hope the heckler would quit, that didn't work so he tried the mean "quiet in the theatre" look which also didn't work. Then like all good Democrats he asked for fairness, let me speak and then you can speak. You can see how that works in the video. Rather that approach the man himself he even suggests one of his people talk to the man who has no interest in that and simply continues booing.
The audio cut was an instant classic on Toledo radio and tv and now it's back on Reddit for a whole new audience to enjoy.
So here just in time for a new election season is Boo Ben Konop in its' original form.