Their initiative is to make sure ANY correctional facility built in our city, which is Toledo, will remain located in downtown, where it is currently located. The initiative ONLY refers to what happens in the city of Toledo because they have a Charter and the rights through the Ohio Constitution as a municipality to self govern.
The county taxpayers voted and said NO to the funding of a new jail levy, in Novemeber. The county is also being questioned on the high cost of a one story new jail. There are many options to be considered. Renovation is just one of them.
The full version of their initiative is on their website at
If you are a voter who lives in Toledo and you too believe, if the county or anyone, wants to build a jail in our city, it should be downtown (no other areas of the city) - then they ask you to please vote yes on 2/26. You can early vote starting on 1/29!
If you are interested it making a donation their cause you can do so on their site listed above or mail a check to.
P.O. Box 118017
Toledo Oh 43611