Parker’s Purpose
The hope of the foundation is to not only help people that are in need but to also foster as positive self worth and self esteem to the individuals giving. There is nothing more uplifting than knowing you are helping someone and making their life better for it. Through this we are hopeful it can spark a change in our society on how we treat each other and ourselves (Decrease abuse whether it be drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, verbal, domestic, physical etc.).
Parker’s Purpose was founded in May, 2008 as a result of people coming together to help out the Inks Family in their time of need. Some may know of their situation and some may not so I will fill you in. Parker, a third grader in my wife’s class, has muscular dystrophy and is contained to a wheel chair unable to move except for his head and his hands slightly. Parker is also our (Fremont St. Joseph C.C.) ball/tee boy for the football team and added a ton of inspiration and motivation, as he would address our team before every game giving them words of encouragement. He looked forward to his contribution to the team every week and worked hard to come up with his motivational quotes before every game. As for our coaching staff, players and myself he reminds us everyday to be thankful and appreciative for what God has given us. To cherish all that we have and not stress about what we do not have.
Unfortunately on March 15th Parker was life flighted to St. Vincent’s Hospital due to respiratory problems. He was there for 30 days and hooked up to a ventilator for most of that time. His diagnosis was viral pneumonia and a collapsed lung. During his first three weeks at St. V’s, Parker almost lost his life on three separate occasions. Remarkably a higher power had bigger things in store for Parker, as he made a miraculous recovery, and checked out of the hospital on April 14th. Parker had a trach put in to assist in his breathing and to this date still has one lung that is slightly collapsed. Despite all of this Parker is back at home doing very well and is back to his normal upbeat, positive self. If that wasn’t enough, his mother Patti started chemo on March 29th. She is diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and is continuing her treatments to this date.
Due to this extraordinary circumstance myself, along with many others started a fundraising campaign to help assist the family with their mounting medical expenses. The result was amazing. The outpour of support was so uplifting to all of us involved that it has sparked us to start our foundation called Parker’s Purpose. The name of the foundation stems from Craig (Parker’s dad) telling Parker during his hospital stay that he has more work to be done here on earth, that he still has a purpose for being here which is to inspire others that come into contact with him.
The mission of Parker’s Purpose is as follows: As individuals of Parker’s Purpose we commit as part of our team to provide the highest level of service to individuals or groups in need. We will perform our service with integrity and respect to all individuals or groups and also hope to foster a positive self worth and self esteem to the individual giving. We will strive to provide funds and professional services, regardless of race, color and/or religion, as representatives of Parker’s Purpose.
If anyone is interested in donating to our foundation or know of people in need please contact us at , call at 419-334-7275 or mail us at Parker’s Purpose, 1056 Hazel St., Fremont, OH 43420. Checks can be made out to Parker’s Purpose. For additional information on the foundation and upcoming fundraising events go to
Todd DrusbackPresident, Parker’s PurposeHead Football Coach, Rossford