Vax-2-School Offering $2 Million In Scholarships

(Columbus) - Ohio's latest attempt to encourage people to be vaccinated will offer $2 milion in scholarships to people up to age 25 as a reward for being vaccinated.

Vax-2-School will open Monday, October 4. Like Vax-a-Million, it will be a lottery. Once you enter, you will be eligible for drawings to award scholarship money that can be used for colleges, universities, technical trade schools, or career programs.

There will be 155 scholarships awarded. Five will be for $100,000 each in scholarship money, and 150 vaccinated young people will receive $10,000 scholarships. All the winners money will be put into a 529 education savings account.

The state has not yet announced when the first drawing will be, as they're waiting to see if the federal government will allow vaccines to be given to children as young as five years old. If so, even five-year-olds will be eiigible for the drawings. As of now, young people ages 12-25 -- since they can be vaccinated -- are eligible for the drawings.

(Copyright 2021, iHeartMedia)

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