City Begins Promised Street Work This Week

Saying that the passing of the quarter percent income tax last year made it possible, Mayor Kapszukiewicz announced the start of residential street repair this week. “For the first time in the history of the city of Toledo, we have a dedicated funding stream that can only be used for road repair." This year the plan calls for 109 residential streets to be repaired compared to only seven in 2020. The Mayor spoke at a press conference on Beechway in the Beverly neighborhood. The plan is ambitious with the work starting this week and an end date of mid-October. Here are a links to the City of Toledo website for which streets are scheduled to be repaired.



All city streets are inspected every three years and rated using a Pavement Condition Rating index (PCR). This data is used to identify candidate streets for repair projects. City engineers then review these candidate sections to better understand the cause of pavement problems. They also consider traffic levels, information from maintenance records, and complaints from residents.


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