Toledo Receives Grant To Control Lead In Residential Properties

TOLEDO, Ohio - The City of Toledo announced Monday the details of a $2.9 million grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to help the city deal with lead in residential homes.

The grants will support programs to identify and control lead-based paint hazards for income-eligible owners who live in their homes and privately-owned rental properties with income-eligible tenants.

“Toledo is a leader in the state in creating a new law to prevent lead poisoning in the City, and is working toward lead safe homes for all of our children.  This is very welcome news that we have now received support from HUD to help protect Toledo families from lead-based paint hazards,” says Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson.

Bonita Bonds, Director of Neighborhoods, says the City is partnering with several organizations to help people apply for funding. Those include the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department, the Neighborhood Health Association and the Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority. Bonds says that people may begin calling the Department of Neighborhoods now at 419-245-1400 to inquire about the grant resources.

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