Monday 60 Minute Poll-Lewinsky Fights Back

Monica Lewinsky was just a 24 year old White House intern when then President Bill Clinton preyed on her. Lewinsky became the butt of jokes on late night shows, and stand up comedians around the country. But it's been more than 20 years since then and she says it's time to stop using her as the punch line and punching bag. She recently called on Beyonce to remove a lyric using Lewinsky's name from the singer's latest CD. HLN is airing an episode of "How It Really Happened" called "The Lewinsky Scandal" and Lewinsky thinks it should be renamed The Starr Investigation or The Clinton Impeachment. Lewinsky wants an apology and stop to the use of her name.

Should the media apologize to Lewinsky after all these years? Vote MONDAY 60 MINUTE POLL

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