Two children dead from gunshots at Byrneport Apartments in Toledo

Toledo police are reporting two children, ages 1 and 5, are dead and a third is in critical condition following an early evening shooting at the Byrneport Apartments. A suspect, Kevin Moore, is in custody at this time and is said to be the boyfriend of the children's mother. Police responded to the scene just after 5p Friday and found the victims who were then transported to Toledo Pro Medica hospital where two of them later died. The third child, a 4 year old boy, has since been taken to Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor. Autopsies will be performed today on the deceased.

Moore was charged with two counts of aggravated murder and felonious assault, police Lt. Daniel Gerken, of the investigative services section, said in a statement and police are asking if you have information to call Crime Stopper at 419-255-1111.

1370 WSPD will update this story as details are released by Toledo Police Department.

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