Covid Cases Up-DeWine Wants Restrictions On Alcohol Sales

Governor Mike DeWine today took steps to place restrictions on the sale of alcohol. The Governor requested the Ohio Liquor Control Commission to order bars and restaurants to stop selling alcohol at 10 p.m. for onsite consumption. If the commission does move forward and mandates the request patrons would be required to finish any on premise alcohol purchases by 11pm. According to DeWine “I’m mindful of the economic impact this has, but we have to slow the spread of the virus, we have to slow it down across the state of Ohio.” As part of the request food could still be served after 10p and patrons would be allowed three carry-out drinks instead of the current two. The commission is scheduled for a Friday meeting.

DeWine’s move comes as Ohio reported 1,733 new coronavirus cases more than ever before in a single day. Bar owners are unhappy with the Governors move saying they are just now getting back on their feet with some sports being played and patrons watching West coast games after 10p. DeWine also said he and the Department of Health were reissuing an order that limits gathering sizes to 10 people or less.

The Governor also appeared to cave to social media pressure and requested The State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy to change course on its ban of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as coronavirus treatments. That ban was to take effect Thursday. In a prepared statement DeWine said “The Board of Pharmacy and the State Medical Board of Ohio should revisit the issue, listen to the best medical science, and open the process up for comment and testimony from experts,”

Here's a link for the Governor's address from today GOV. MIKE DeWINE JULY 30

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