Lucas County Suspends Public COVID 19 Public Testing

On Thursday, Toledo-Lucas County Health Department Commissioner Eric Zgodzinski stated that all drive-thru and community testing sites have been suspended in Lucas County.

Effective immediately, the county is only testing essential personnel, including first responders and medical providers. If they know they do not have COVID-19, they can get back to work where they are needed.

"We do not have the number of tests we wish we had, and that is likely not going to change," he said.

If someone in your house is sick, or you have come into contact with someone who is sick, you are urged to act as if you are sick.

What you should be doing: There is currently no treatment for coronavirus.Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated - 8 oz. of water per hour is recommended - if you experience a fever, take Acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol. 

Have enough food in the house so you can stay home for a long period of time, keep cleaning supplies on hand, make sure prescriptions are filled and keep a stock of over the counter medicines on hand.

For further updates follow the Toledo-Lucas County Health Department on Facebook or click on this link

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