Coronavirus Update Saturday March 14

Saturday March 14- Corona Virus Update

Columbia Gas offers relief to customers - In a statement released Friday Columbia Gas stated "We know this could be a time of financial hardship. So, we've voluntarily suspended shutoffs for nonpayment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, we're offering to customers who indicate either an impact or hardship as a result of COVID-19 our most flexible payment plans, and we will suspend late payment charges until May 1." The company also released these bullet points should you require a service person at your home.

  • We'll be asking for anyone in your home with a contagious illness to please keep their distance as we're working so we can help prevent spreading illnesses and continue to provide service to you and all of our other customers.
  • We won't shake your hand. We promise, it's not you. It's another way to keep everyone safe.
  • You may notice our gloves, shoe coverings, disinfectant wipes or other protective gear; don't be alarmed. Our team carries these items to preserve the condition of your home and the homes of other customers.

Bowling Green State University joins other state colleges and universities in making the decision to finish the semester using online classes. President Rodney K Rogers PhD released the following guidelines late Friday night.

In light of Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine's update to Ohioans this afternoon, we believe it is in the best interests of our community to extend the previous announced online learning window beyond April 6 to the end of spring semester, May 15. Beginning after Spring Break on March 23, all classes will be delivered in an online format.

The University remains open and operational. Today, the President's Cabinet and our academic deans received the preliminary process to accommodate remote working, and more information was sent to our faculty and staff moments ago. We are actively reviewing BGSU's remote work guidelines. We have asked that supervisors and managers offer flexible accommodations where appropriate. If employees are sick, it is strongly encouraged that they do not come to either campus.

BGSU-supported, non-essential domestic and international travel remains restricted until May 15. Given the amended online learning window, we are also extending the restriction of BGSU events involving more than 100 participants to May 15. We have not yet made a decision if Spring Commencement will continue.

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