Iraq Wants Us Out, Should We Leave? - Monday 60 Minute Poll

The situation in Iraq continues to smolder with both sides threatening the other with dire consequences. President Trump has Tweeted out a warning that the US would retaliate to any Iraqi action by striking 52 sites including some cultural sites. That move would be contrary to international treaties. Iran of course has threatened a high price for the US to pay for it's killing of General Suleimani and thousands marched in the street at the funeral services for the man they now call a martyr.

In the last 24 hours the Iraqi parliament voted to expel all US troops, although the vote is not binding. The Iraqi President is a supporter of Iran and agrees with the vote. President Trump, while still a candidate, called being in Iraq "a mistake" and called on then President Obama for an immediate pull out. Should the President now take this opportunity to leave Iraq? What happens in the region if US troops leave?

Should we pull out of Iraq? MONDAY 60 MINUTE POLL

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