Toledo To Reconsider What Residents Recycle

(Toledo, OH) A new study shows Toledoans are using their recycling bins too much like garbage cans. 

They may look like street-side garbage pickers, but you could more accurately call them curbside collection compliance officers. Toledo is hiring ten more more inspectors to be paid under a state grant to hit the streets to inspect recycling bins. 

The move comes after an audit of Toledo's recycling shows that 44 percent of what residents try to recycle isn't eligible. Those who have items that don't qualify will be left a notice on their doors.  T

oledo's top brass will issue reminders that things like plastic bags, garbage, clothing and yard waste can't be recycled. Local officials say recycling is already costing the community $400,000 per year-- and they'd like to cut those losses with better compliance.

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