Toledo refinery jobs at risk because of Michigan Governor actions

Actions by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is putting Toledo jobs in jeopardy at the refinery on the East side. The future is murky today due to the uncertain status of Enbridge Line 5, a set of pipes that carry crude oil, natural gas liquids and other petroleum products through the Great Lakes states and parts of Canada. Gov. Whitmer promised to shut down the pipeline in order to get elected. She is now trying to keep that promise despite what will surely be a loss of jobs not just in Toledo but also in Michigan, Canada, and other states. Losing Line 5 could result not only in lost jobs for Local 912 members, but shuttered restaurants, gas stations, hotels, grocery stores and other businesses in the area around the refinery. Enbridge which owns the pipeline has a plan that would bury the pipeline in the bedrock under the Straits of Mackinaw but so far Whitmer seems uninterested in continuing a dialogue.

Listen to the conversation Fred had with Scott Hayes, and two members of Steelworkers Local 912 about the economic impact a shut down would have on this area. Take a few minutes to view the videos also and share with friends and neighbors.

For more information click here FUTURE ON THE LINE

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