Mayor to Decide Tie Vote Over Drug Rehab Center

(Toledo, OH) Toledo's mayor will break a tie on a controversial proposal for a drug and alcohol rehab clinic.

Toledo city council split six-to-six on the plan by Unison Health to convert its offices to a residential treatment center with 16 beds. Old West End residents have complained there are too many similar facilities in the area, and one more could be toxic to the treatment and recovery of so many addicts crowded into one neighborhood. 

Unison Health officials need approval of a zoning change to convert the 1892 home which has been their office space for the past 35 years. There's also more than half a million dollars in state and county funding at stake in the effort. Toledo's mayor is expected to cast his tiebreaking vote at a city council meeting April tenth.

In other council business, the legislative body unanimously approved a 2018 budget Wednesday evening. 

That’s the first time since 2013 the city’s annual spending plan has been approved without objection. But there was a big difference this time—the budget created by a joint task force of city council members part of the mayor’s administrative staff. The 255-million dollar budget is three million dollars less than last year.

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